Director's Message
Dear KIS Families,
We hope those who are in Kyiv will be able to join our community on campus for the Open House tomorrow and the PTO Easter Egg Hunt. I would like to thank the PTO for helping to organize this even for our community and future KIS families.
I wanted to just mention a few important things that are happening at KIS this month .
KIS Preschool Began This Week!
I would like to welcome our newest and youngest Kozaks to our school. This past week, we welcomed our first preschool students. I would also like to thank our preschool teachers and team for preparing the campus classrooms and spaces for our preschool program. We look forward to the growth of this program at KIS.
Re-Enrollment - Month of April
On Saturday, KIS will begin the re-enrollment process. This will be completed through Open Apply. Families will be receiving an email from the KIS Open Apply platform to complete the process. We hope you will all be returning to our wonderful school and community for the 2023-24 school year. There are several permissions that will need to be renewed, if you select re-enroll with KIS.
Scholarship Program at KIS
Kyiv International School offers Academic Scholarships to Ukrainian children and a limited number of foreign nationals who might otherwise not have the chance to attend the Kyiv International School.The school will be returning to its regular scholarship program. Those interested in applying for a scholarship can access the application via the schools website, as well as the following Scholarship Application Link. The scholarship application window is open until April 30th.
Those renewing scholarships will receive a separate email from the school with the scholarship renewal application and process.
Coffee Chat Wednesday, April 12th, @2:00
We will be hosting a virtual Coffee Chat to discuss next school year and answer any questions you may have.
Luke Woodruff
Kyiv International School
Key Dates
8 April - School Open House (for new families) at 11:00 am
8 April - Easter Egg Hunt at 12:00 pm on campus
12 April - Community Coffee Chat with Admin Team: Next School Year
17-21 April - Spring Break
Whole School Community Coffee Chat
Topic: KIS Community Coffee Chat
Date & Time: April 12th at 14:00 (Kyiv)
Join Zoom Meeting - LINK
Meeting ID: 853 8633 3031
Passcode: 485754
Phases to Reopening Campus
- KIS Easter Egg Hunt
- Student Photos - Privacy Notice & Consent
- Educational Website Use Consent
- Moodle
- Seesaw
- 365 Teams
- Secondary Student Email Security Policy
KIS Easter Egg Hunt
Student Photos - Privacy Notice & Consent
Educational Website Use Consent
365 Teams
Secondary Student Email Security Policy
School Day Schedule
DI's Message
Dear Elementary and Middle School Families,
Starting Monday, April 10 there will be a change to our hybrid program for the classes of Art, Physical Education, Technology, and Music. The schedule was re-arranged a bit to allow us to separate students into on-campus and online groups where possible. The purpose of this change is to allow on-campus students more access to school facilities as well as allow teachers to tailor learning tasks to fit the needs of our online learners. Homeroom teachers will be sharing information with parents as needed to facilitate this change. Middle school students will receive information from their teachers directly.
April is a busy time for our KIS families with the celebrations of Easter, Passover and Ramadan coinciding this month. Wishing you a joyful time with loved ones during your family’s celebrations.
Have you seen a wildflower yet? If you have spotted your first spring wildflower, please snap a picture and share with the office email (below). I’d like to share proof of spring in my next few Kozak Korner messages!
As always, feel free to reach out anytime with questions or concerns.
Elementary Office:
Middle School Office:
Best regards,
Mrs. Carla Grossman
Carla Grossman
Director of Instruction
School Day Schedule
DI's Message
What’s Going on in Secondary
It was wonderful to see our IB Year 2 Visual Art students hang and photograph their art works. This cohort of artists has produced poignant and meaningful art in response to the events of the last 16 months. We look forward to organizing an exhibition of some of this artwork in our lobby. The IB students have finished their last assessments and are enjoying a bit less pressure now! On the other hand, our AP students are in their last few weeks of preparation for the exams in May!
Plans for graduation in Bratislava on June 4th continue. We look forward to meeting our graduates, families and friends at the celebration of their accomplishments.
In May, Morning Mindset will shift in focus. We will use this time to ensure students are on track to complete all of their units – teachers will have time to conference with students and help them close incomplete units.
On June 1st we will have Student Led Conferences. Preparation for these has already begun, and during the last two weeks of May, students will use Morning Mindset to work with a mentor and finalize their presentation. More information will be available soon about this process.
It has been a great pleasure to be on campus these last two weeks and I look forward to returning after graduation!
Rachel Geary
Director of Instruction
School Day Schedule
University Acceptances Class of 2023
- California Lutheran University
- Eastern Michigan University
- High Point University
- Hofstra University
- Northeastern University
- Oral Roberts University
- Princeton University
- Seattle University
- South Dakota Mines
- Susquehanna University of Pennsylvania
- University of California Davis
- University of Michigan
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of San Fransisco
- University of Toronto
- University of British Columbia Okanagan
- Durham University
- Goldsmiths - University of London
- Nottingham Trent University
- Queens Mary University of London
- Regents University London
- University of Essex
- University of Kent
- University of Gloucestershire
- University of Manchester
- University of South Wales
- University of Surrey
- University of Sussex
- University of the West of England
- University of York
- EICAR – The International Film & Television School Paris
- University of Amsterdam
- Urtecht University
- Saint Louis University Madrid
- Webster University Geneva
- Koç University
CAS Book Review
Cemetery Boys, written by Aiden Thomas, follows the twisted life of a gay, transgender boy named Yadriel. To begin his twisted tale, not only does his family have issues with accepting him and his gender identity, but the young man sets out on a quest to prove himself to them and the world. He performs a ritual that his family denied him access to and manages to unlock his hidden potential as a magic-wielding brujo. But the story does not end there, since just a couple of pages later, Yadriel discovers the murder of his cousin. The weird thing is that when he summons his relative's ghost, no one is there, and his spirit is nowhere to be found. However, this does not deter our protagonist; on the contrary, it emboldens him to try and find the body of his cousin and release his soul into the world and maybe, in the process, also to prove to his family that he is a boy and a brujo.
"I recommend this book to anyone who has been following the news in America and knows about the new anti-trans bills they are passing. We, as a community, can support others silently across the world by uplifting the stories of people who are constantly silenced. Of course, I also encourage you to diversify your reading not just this month but every time you pick up a book."
- Sasha
CAS Book Club
Read a good book on the topic of issues of global assistance or global significance? Please share your review with us! How to do it? It's very simple, just use this FORM.
This Is Us: Educator Profile
Maxim Filatov
Titles: Secondary Math Teacher
Why am I teaching: I like kids, I love to interact with them and positively influence their development. I have been doing it for my entire life :) Students provide a lot of positive energy.
Favourite Quote: “I never teach my students; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.’ –Albert Einstein
Favourite thing about KIS: Students with a positive attitude and lovely colleagues. I appreciated the very friendly environment, freedom, and opportunity for creativity.
One Week in the 8-Year-Old Class
Teachers: Julia Prima, Olga Kardash, Olga Steblyanko
A week highlights from the 8's include: Growth Mindset posters, symbols of some countries, diamante poems, animal alliteration poems.
Haiku is not a shriek, a howl, a sigh, or a yawn;
rather, it is the deep breath of life.
Santoka Taneda
Teacher: Leanne Hume
Taya G is currently is exploring and creating different forms of poetry in her creative writing class.
Here are a few of her haiku's, combined with her own photographs for your reading and viewing pleasure.
Tasty Fridays
Last Friday our LOE department together with Secondary students cooked Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese, a very popular Ukrainian dish called Linyvi varenyky that is a great choice for the breakfast.
Just look at these chefs! They are truly amazing!
If you have an announcement that you would like us to publish, please reach out to .