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Kozak Korner #34. May 17th, 2024

| Director's Message

Dear Families,

Thank you to all the parents who attended our Coffee Chats this week. I enjoyed talking to you and hearing your thoughts, suggestions and concerns. My door is always open if you would like to meet.

May 31st we will have our Student Led Conferences (SLC) at school. Students do not attend classes that day but do accompany you to school to meet with their teachers! Appointments are made directly with the teacher for the younger students (8-years-old and less) and on the Family Moodle for all other students from Wednesday, May 22nd to May 30th Registration will close at 1 PM on May 30th.

You will see the MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) results on your Family Moodle. Please bring your questions to the SLC!

I am very much looking forward to the Spring Fling Art Fest tomorrow and hope to see you there!

Best regards,
Rachel Geary

| Spring Fling Fest


Dear KIS Community,

We're thrilled to remind you that tomorrow, May 18th, is the day we've all been eagerly awaiting - the KIS annual Spring Fling and Art Fest! This exciting event will take place right here on the KIS campus from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.

We have a fantastic lineup of activities and entertainment planned for the day, and we can't wait to celebrate with all of you. Please see the schedule for details.

Remember, this event is open to the entire KIS Community, so be sure to bring your family and friends along for the fun! And don't forget to contribute to our potluck by bringing a dish to share - let's make this feast a delicious one!


Key Dates

May - June:

  • 18 May - Spring Fling and Art Fest
  • 22 May - Football Tournament Elementary
  • 24 May - Football Tournament MS & Sec -  postponed to further notice
  • 30 May - IB Film Festival 
  • 31 May - Student-Led Conferences
  • 1 June - Digital SAT 
  • 7 June - Grad Walk
  • 7 June - Water World Secondary StuCo 
  • 8 June - Graduation
  • 13 June - Prek Concert
  • 14 June - Elementary Concert
  • 17 June - Prek & Elementary Field Day
  • 18 June - MS & Secondary Field Day
  • 19 June - Last day of school

School Calendar 2023-24

School Calendar 2024 - 2025 

Event Calendar

| QVS Summer IE Program

First page of the PDF file: IESummerProgramFlyer

| QVS Summer School


| PTO Spotlight


What is KIS Moms & Dads? 

KIS Moms & Dads is a private group on Facebook for KIS parents and the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO). It is a great way to find out what's going on with the PTO. To join please complete the membership questions. 

First page of the PDF file: KISMomsDads

How to join PTO? 

It's simple - just send an email at or talk to one of the PTO members at the PTO store.

| Moodle Account


Need help with your family Moodle Account? (This is where you should see MAP scores and Status Reports)

Please contact:

| College & Counseling


| Meet Your School Counselor

Hello Everyone,

My name is Chelsey Zoromski and I am your school counselor this year.  I am available to meet with students, staff, and parents about any social emotional topics or university questions that may come up this year.  I am currently living in Moldova but am available to meet with you on Teams on Thursdays and Fridays.   

In order to schedule a meeting with me, please click here. This link will show you the time I am available and automatically adapt to your time zone.  It will also send you all the information for the Teams meeting.  You may contact me any time at: 

Please watch this short video to learn how to book appointments with me.

Chelsey Zoromski
School Counselor
Kyiv, Chisinau, Munster, and Montenegro
Click here to schedule an appointment with me

| "Empower" Lesson Plans

The Empower curriculum integrates the Success Orientations, Social Emotional Learning concepts, and Child Protection principles into individual lessons throughout the year. These lessons will be delivered during a dedicated weekly EMPOWER class time. This approach aims to equip students with a comprehensive set of skills applicable throughout their lives. Specific lessons tailored to each grade level ensure developmental appropriateness. While some concepts may be revisited annually, the lessons will vary based on the students' age. For more information, please see the QSI Empower statement.

Teachers will keep parents informed about the upcoming lessons for their child, and for certain grades, the lesson plans will be accessible in this newsletter. Click on the post below to view the message from the teacher.

| Kozak News

First page of the PDF file: StuCoElections2024-25

| Week Highlights


| CAS Book Club


| Integrated Technology Platforms


| Extra Services


| Announcements