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Middle School

Middle School Learning - At the Center of KIS

Both literally and metaphorically, the Middle School at Kyiv International Sachool is at our school's center. Physically, it sits in the middle of our campus. Educationally, middle school learners are building a bridge between their elementary school foundations and the advanced coursework of secondary school.  

The core classes of Literature, Writing, Mathematics, Science, and Cultural Studies are the backbone of the Middle School program. Essential to the wellbeing of our students, classes like Physical Education, Art, Drama, Music, Languages other than English, and Technology round out the course load and provide inspiration and challenge. 


Kyiv International School uses Microsoft Teams to communicate with Middle School learners. 

Notices from teachers and administrators will be delivered to parents via email or the KIS Informer.  

Status Reports, Narratives, and current grades can be accessed via KIS Mobile Education Technology.

Parents may contact Middle School administrators at